“ The only consistent character in all your problems, in all your dramas, is you.”

“That’s a hard pill to swallow, isn’t it?”

Yup! I’ve been there and done that. This has been true for me in the past. I’ve become own worst enemy.

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May 13Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

So true. We have agency in the external world and…we have agency in our inner psychic life. It is hard wired! https://homecookedanalysis.substack.com/p/victim-vs-psychic-agent

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So. Three ex wives, I am the common denominator I own up to that. Question;

All four of us are redheads, so how's that fit in?

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Well I'm not sure any of this applies to redheads, sir

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Great advice, Andrew! The earlier a person realizes that, the happier and more successful they will be!

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You create your own reality! Great post! A reminder for me who is not a kid but still feels like one! Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Lately, I run a lot of the simulation. It's hard to describe, but you've done an excellent job of describing how you do it (you just left out the mycology stage). Life's gonna happen, but my reactions are evolving. Which has increased my sense of timing (Swiss watch baby), and natural sense of direction (I randomly show up where I need to be exactly when I'm needed). I just wander wherever and check things out. When you have no preconceived expectations you're pleasantly surprised A LOT more often.

Charles Swindoll wrote a brilliant, short piece titled Attitude. It's on the level with Desiderata for things you should hang in your home, and advice to help guide you through life.

Someone once told me "the secret of life is to be yourself in any situation". The strength of my essence determines my effect (pleasant/unpleasant) on the beings I encounter in day to day life. And it protects me from the sh*tty that IS some people. I can wrangle and tie down or effortlessly redirect most negative, petty, small minded, ignorance someone tries to spill on me. I see their bullsh*t because I pooped the same piles before I toilet trained my ego.

Taking responsibility for my actions, being aware of my actions and accepting my flaws was an instant VIP pass to people who nurture my ability to adapt.

I also had a tendency to want to make mountains out of mole hills, and now I just brush things off as mild irritations. When I take a BIG step back I always realize whatever fell apart, felt wrong or failed wasn't what I wanted or needed. (In 2016 I got fired from working in a souvenir shop on a reality show in northern BC by the woman who owned everything because she said I was "too interesting, attractive and single". F'real. So stupid. I wasn't there to steal toothless gold miner husbands, I was there to work in the souvenir shop and have laughs with my cool coworkers on camera lol! Anyway the BC government just put a 5 year moratorium on jade mining. So I got fired, but her whole way of life just got cancelled!) 🥳 It's fantastic because she was shipping jade boulders to China and NZ to have them carved cheaply and probably really unethically. Just so Claudia wouldn't have to pay carvers in BC their artist rates.

Adaptation is the secret of evolution. But humility is how you deal with "great power" (Uncle Ben! NooooO!) 😂 It's funny too, this year I realized I grew up to be a character from a children's book. I was hiking in the woods the other day when I said to myself "well I would have gloves if a fox hadn't eaten my mitten". It's really nice after all the trauma and abuse.

Life's about balance and your pieces always are.


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No one knows what it truly means to feel powerful until they're taking personal responsibility and start moving those mountains that they thought would never move.

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Beautiful!!! BEST DAD EVER.

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This was incredibly on time for me. I really appreciate the reminder to start with myself when looking at the conflict(s) in my life.

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