Oct 31Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

Thank you for this honest and compassionate piece.

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Oct 29Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

"For you, dear ones, did not sign up for such trials" made me tear up as I remembered my childhood. I was pushed unto the harsh real world. There were not gentle nudges. I was/felt alone for the most part during childhood. Mostly the parents were not around but when there were adults around I was made to feel like I was never good enough and always making mistakes.

I am reminded of the saying that crazy people don't know they're crazy. They don't even consider the possibility and if you think you are crazy, it is a sign you are sane. Well, I think that all of your wonder and questioning shows that you are doing enough of the good stuff to make a child feel like they have a good father. Bad ones don't question it at all.

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Well, consider my confidence boosted some, Barbara...

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