Jul 10Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

Amazing how well 'Don't Panic' works in so many situations, but is always necessary to say. Driving may be one of the biggest areas where you MUST state the obvious... Don't stop on a busy road. Slow down in the rain. Don't pull into a median. Seems obvious, but needs to always be said. Thanks, Andrew!

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Of course!

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Jul 10Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

Excellent and practical advice. Mom’s are great for emotional advice, Dad’s are great for practical advice, generally speaking.

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Jul 11Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

My first 2 pieces of driving advice to my kids was

1. don’t put your car where there is already an object, and verify this first before putting your car there. This applies most obviously to lane changes, but applies equally to the plate glass window of the convenience store.

2. Assume stop signs and stop lights are suggestions because that’s how a lot of drivers see them. Make sure there isn’t a car zooming through the light at 70 mph before going on green. Arguably this is a variation on rule 1.

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Inverse bumper cars!

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Jul 12Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

here’s a thought. We cover every car in super powerful magnets so they repel. No more accidents!

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Jul 11Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

you remind me of some guy i used to chat with on here but he didnt have that big of a mustache or sunglasses

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That's because he wasn't nearly as cool as me, Anon Ymoose Incognito.

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Jul 11Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

Ahhh now that you mention it, you’re way more of an enigma than that other guy

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I like the stache, brother!

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Or you can call Triple A! 😂👌

I had a high school boyfriend who was totally infatuated with me. His dad owns several gas stations and was a mechanic. So Jackie learned all about cars at a very young age. The first thing he taught me to do was how to change a tire. Then he took me for a wild ride in the mountains. 😍

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Jul 10Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains


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Jul 10Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

Great stack. Thank you.

As a father who taught 4 teens to drive, I highly recommend the teen driving class BRAKES (Be Responsible and Keep Everyone Safe). Started in Charlotte but they’re nationwide now. Do yourself a favor and check their website. They give hands-on training for most of the topics you listed.

Founder is a former NHRA top fuel driver whose two teenage sons were killed in a car accident in Charlotte.

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Oh man, that made me sad.

Right in the heart.

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The problem with driving fast is that there is usually someone who wants to go faster. The most practical advice I can give is to not tailgate. Ever notice in the left lane on the e-way, the cars are all closely bunched together doing 75-80 or more? That is a place I do not want to be.

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