Jun 9Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

"Complete the tasks"

Oof, right in the realities.

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Jun 8Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

Top tier. The last one slayed me 💀

That Buddha quote is actually legit as far as the teaching. There's a principle in Japanese Buddhism called *esho funi* or "oneness of self and environment." So yeah, if you're encountering assholes all day maybe step back for a vibe check 😂

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I like to apply that for potential blind spots.

If a few people act opposed to what I would have expected, that's fine.

But if it keeps happening then I need to REALLY MAKE SURE I'm not the asshole.

Or the wrong one.

Or whatever it may be.

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Lol, loved the Buddha one 😂

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Jun 9Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

“Car no fly”😂 terrific.

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Jun 9Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

Okay, the police drug sniffer one got me good, I laughed out loud, and that is rare for me when reading memes.

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Jun 9Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

So many laughs.

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Jun 8Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

Hilario!! Thanks for the laughs, Dad!

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De nada!

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Jun 8Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

Always love Aladdddinn's crappy parking

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Jun 8Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

Love all of these!

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Jun 8Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

Concerning the no skateboarding dog sign, the writer obviously never knew about Spuds MacKenzie. https://youtu.be/IdUqrEzl-N8

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This are very good Dad memes.

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Great stuff, haven't laughed so hard in a while.

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