My dumb self actually hit the play button on the donkey a few times. I’m starting to think the IQ test I took was wrong.

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Me too!!

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The only reason I didn’t fall for it was because I feel for it before.

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My dumb self too!!!

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F’n awesome!!!!

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Thanks for this post. I didn't realize I needed the laughs until I had scrolled through every last one. Ah, tears of laughter are wonderful.

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Ain’t it wonderful?

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These memes are just killing it for me. Thoroughly enjoying and massively screen shotting and sending along... Feels great to just laugh out loud at work. Especially since the randos coming through have no idea why I keep doing it. Joy.

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One of your best sir

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The donkey one is so good I'm willing to overlook the crime against apostrophe usage.

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Be sure to let the bacon seed root so it grows bigger.

Rules of the game do not exclude a sound suppressor on the barrel. Winning!

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So many good ones.....

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The one about the ducks is epic.

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