Thank you! So many keepers!!!

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All great, but Leukimia and Howard the Chicken had me legit loling.

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I made my wife laugh with the leukemia one then she hit me in the arm for making her laugh at a child.

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Lolol! Yeah that one is particularly horible. I love it🤔😓😂

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Dang, best bunch I’ve seen, good job.

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If I knew how to bow over the internet I would.

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Thanks for wasting an hour of my precious time. Just because those memes are really funny I guess you think that's OK?

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Glad to hear it. :)

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As a dad/grandpa I really hope these will increase my street cred with the kids these days. Thanks from the bottom of my aging heart

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I can safely say that these drops help me with my cred with my kiddos!

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I wondered about the Dungeons and Dragons settings on my phone, also.

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Your meme drops consistently make me lol so damn hard. I very rarely laugh that hard any more so I really need to say thank you. Keep up the good work!

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Thank you!

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re Elmer falling for Bugs in drag, I have an otherwise rational single friend of 70 who is convinced a couple dozen ultra-cute Ukrainian girls he met online are drooling for the touch of his speckled old hands.

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It was a loooooong list! Lotsa funnies…..thanks!

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Off to feed the meese….

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Many much meesen!

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My mom made gazpacho when we were teen agers. It was cold carrots, with maybe some other stuff, but really cold. We called it Cold Soup.

All of these are exceptionally funny. It is super fun reading these in the dentist waiting room. :-/

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