Feb 20Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

“These are the behaviors that promise comfort but deliver only temporary relief” Amen. I’ve decided to ditch alcohol. After years of telling myself‘I don’t drink that much’ and ‘I’m not an alcoholic’ but also noticing changes in my health that seemed to track with alcohol intake, I got the wake up call I needed. Turns out chronic drinking at a fairly low level- seven to ten drinks a week, whether you drink them all in the same night or over the week, create several undesirable changes. It was a podcast by a neurologist named Huberman in which he explained the latest research that turned my light bulb on. In case anyone else is questioning their relationship with alcohol google him. Hearing the research results gave me the ability to trust my own inner voice that had been trying to clue me in. Sometimes you know something but need some trigger to allow yourself to know what you know. The buzz from a drink is very short lived compared to its downsides!

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Feb 20Liked by Andrew | Dad Explains

Well written

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Thank you!

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